Home sweet home

Buying a home is a big life step. It should be exciting, right? But we know that it can be daunting – the jargon and the various steps are a lot to take in, even if you’ve done it before. We know, because we’ve been there. Our goal is to help you sort through the process so that you can confidently make an offer on a house you can afford and love.

Make a plan before you start shopping

We want you to dream big as you’re looking, and we’re also here to make sure that you keep your feet firmly rooted on the ground. Your long-term financial well-being is always going to be our focus, so here are a few things to keep in mind as you shop for a home:

  • How much can you afford? Before you start house shopping, line up a mortgage pre-approval. You’ll know your limits from the start and avoid the disappointment of finding a fantasy home that doesn’t fit your real life budget.

  • Make a list of wants vs. needs. There are a lot of things we want, but many of them aren’t things we need right away. For example, lots of kitchen storage space might be a need, but a granite countertop is a want. Focus on the needs first, because the wants can come as you settle into the house and make it your own.

  • Figure out the actual price. There’s more to buying a house than the purchase price. There are fees for realtors and lawyers and likely a few unexpected items as well. Our team works with you to look at the whole picture and help you understand what your actual costs are going to be.

  • Take advantage of available tools. Try one of our free budgeting and mortgage calculators. These can help you determine the realistic price for your long-term success. Intrigued? Give our mortgage calculator a try!

Find the right mortgage for you

Our team can walk you through our mortgage products to find the right fit for your needs. Need flexibility? Revolving credit? Looking to switch when your existing mortgage comes up for renewal? We can help.


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