Knowledge is power when it comes to fraud

By being aware of the different scams and tools fraudsters use and learning how they think, you can keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

Fraudsters are professionals at deception, and they continue to find more specific and detailed ways to trick you out of your money. But you can protect yourself against their schemes by practicing the three R’s of fraud prevention:

  1. Recognize what different scams look like and when someone is trying to fool you

  2. Reject the scam and don’t give in to fraudsters

  3. Report any activity you suspect could be fraud or if you believe yourself or a loved one is a victim of fraud

Did you know?

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Canadians lost a staggering total of $554 million due to fraud and cybercrime in 2023 - an increase of 40% compared to 2022.

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A six-character password using all lowercase characters and a 26-character alphabet could be cracked by a computer in one second.

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The top three scams of 2022 were investment scams, spear phishing and romance scams.

Tips to recognizing, rejecting and reporting fraud

Password protection

Having a strong password is your first defense against fraudsters

Shop smart – think before you click!

Fake ads are out there, online shoppers beware

Spot the scams

Learn how to recognize, reject, and report scams

Don’t fear fraud. Let’s talk about it.

Together, we can reduce the negative stigma surrounding getting scammed

Reporting fraud

If you suspect that you or a loved one has been a victim of fraud – reach out to us, we can help!


Check out these helpful articles

Money Advice for Life

It can happen to you: protecting yourself from fraud

Money Advice for Life

How TO fall for a scam